Rev. Melissa Cooper


Let's talk.


Let's talk.

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While long-term coaching or consulting relationships are a great way to affect change and growth in your ministry, sometimes you're just looking for a voice to bring new ideas, share a Word or lead training for a retreat, event or series. I would love to speak, teach or lead a workshop at your next event!

From guest preaching to keynote presentations, I would love to share my knowledge, passion and experience with your group. Sample topics include

  • Grace Across Generations: Generational Theory and Cross-Generational Communication

  • Intergenerational Worship

  • Keeping the Faith: Engaging Young People for Life

  • Empowering Family Faith Formation

  • Diversity and Inclusivity Issues

  • Cross-Cultural Communication and Inclusion


What clients are saying ...

“With our church emphasis on 'All Ages! All In!' we asked Melissa to lead our staff in a workshop on intergenerational ministries. Thanks to her excellent presentation, information, and team building I had some staff comment that they now had a clear understanding and passion of what it means to truly have an intergenerational church with intergenerational ministries."

- Rev. Dave Baldridge, Senior Pastor
Palm Harbor UMC
Palm Harbor, Florida

Sometimes I preach ...

Sermon, Saint Paul's United Methodist Church, Ocala, FL

Sometimes I podcast ...

Sometimes I Webinar ...